Radius Manager is a commercial system and it comes without source codes. The source codes are proprietary. The subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights are owned by DMA Softlab LLC.

Yes, You can get a 30 day trial version free of charge. Please contact us if You need a demo version.

Don't worry, we will set up the application on your host upon your request. This service is free of charge, even for the demo version!

Yes, You can fetch data from the RADIUS tables, but be careful: the database structure is changing from version to version.

We can help You to complete a such task. Prepare a CSV file with the following structure:

username; password; firstname; lastname; address; city; zip; country; state; company; phone; mobile; email; srvid; mac; staticipcpe; ipmodecpe; expiration; downlimit; uplimit; totallimit; onlinetime; comment; enabled

The first two columns are mandatory, the remaining are optional. Password must be clear text format (unencrypted). Be 100% sure there are no duplicate user names exist in the CSV file.

Enter date in MySQL format: YYYY-MM-DD. Enabled field can be blank (blank - enabled, 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled). Ipmodecpe field: 0 - NAS, 1 - RADIUS, 2 - static. Srvid is the internal service id. The available traffic is defined in Bytes, the available online time is defined in HH:MM:SS format.

The import tool is compatible with the current version of Radius Manager. Old versions are not supported.

For more details contact us directly.

There are complete upgrade scripts included in the distribution archive. You can upgrade your Radius Manager from any older version to the latest. Downgrading of databases is not possible, so always create a full database backup before You proceed the upgrade process.

ChilliSpot v 1.1 running on Linux (downloadable from our site) and DD-WRT are fully supported by Radius Manager 3.9+, including the auto disconnection function (traffic, online time and expiration date), multiple NASs, bandwidth limitation etc. All supported disconnection methods are available: REMOTE and NAS. Please note REMOTE disconnection method requires a static, routed IP address configured on the Chillispot router's WAN interface.

Beginning from Radius Manager v 3.9 DD-WRT is fully supported.

StarOS PPPoE server is fully supported by Radius Manager (including speacial features like auto disconnecting of users etc.). StarOS hotspot server isn't supported currently.

You can try to configure almost every RADIUS compatible NAS with Radius Manager.

The basic functions will be available in most cases (authentication, accounting). Allway sync pro 15 activation key generator. The extra functions will not work (automatic disconnection, static IP addresses, IP pool selection, remote disconnection etc.) if You use Radius Manager with an unsupported NAS.

If You have an unsupported NAS, please contact us before purchasing a license.

We can assist in configuring a supported NAS only. Use an unsupported NAS on your own risk!

Yes, You can. If your NASes are using dynamic or local IP addresses (which are not reachable directly by the RADIUS server), realize the following setup to get them working with Radius Manager:

  1. Install a central PPtP server (Mikrotik) in NOC, beside the RADIUS server.
  2. Connect all your NASes (Mikrotik, Cisco) to the central PPtP server with PPtP connections. The central PPtP server must have public, static IP (it must be visible for the remote NASes).
  3. PPtP server will assign static local IPs to NASes via PPtP tunnels.
  4. All NASes will reach the RADIUS server via PPtP tunnels and vice versa (RADIUS UDP protocol).
Using this method NASes can use any IP (public, local, static, dynamic) and RADIUS server will see them on local, static IP addresses, via the PPtP tunnels. Tunnels are used for RADIUS packets only (low traffic), while the heavy Internet traffic is going through the main connection of NAS (ADSL etc.).
Problems during installation

You can find the installation manual in the Radius Manager tar archive in doc folder. You can download the installation archive from our customer portal.

Compare the installed php file sizes with the archived ones. They must match exactly. ASCII mode FTP transfer corrupts the IonCube encoded php files. Upload the original tarball to your server and untar it there:

tar xf [filename]

After that, copy the untarred Radius Manager PHP files to your WWW folder.

Also, check the content of the lic.txt. Compare it with the version You've downloaded from our portal.

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Check the Apache error log. Maybe You haven't installed php-mysql or license is not installed or corrupt / invalid. Also, if there are PHP memory problems, increase the available memory size in php.ini from default 8 MB to 16 MB.

Upon accessing Radius Manager ACP, I'm getting the following message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 140 bytes) in /var/www/radiusmanager/misc.php on line 0

Define higher memory limit instead of the default 8 MB in php.ini and restart httpd:

memory_limit = 16M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

Radius Manager is working properly, but You have to disable the debug mode in php.ini to hide the debug information.

NetworkManager service avoids the normal operation of ionCube runtime system. IonCube requires HTTPD to get started after the network startup. Disable NetworkManager service (available on newer Linux variants) and enable Network at boot time to fix this issue. Use Webmin or shell commands to complete this operation.

IonCube can work with properly configured ethernet interfaces only. Be sure an IP address is configured on the licensed ethernet interface (it can be a dummy or real IP) otherwise blank page will appear instead of Radius Manager WEB interface.

Install the following packages:

On a 64 bit system:

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After that issue:
make clean
Problems during usage

Assuming the default installation the URL of the user control panel (UCP) is:


If You set sim-use = 1 for any user, only one session can be active for a specific account in a same time. If there is a communication problem between the NAS and RADIUS server when the user logs off, the user will be logged off from the NAS, but RADIUS server will know nothing about this logoff event. This is why RADIUS thinks the user is already online and prevents new logins for the same account.

There is a automatic session closing feature available in Radius Manager. After 10 minutes of inactivity (no accounting sessions are arrived from the NAS) the session will be treated as closed and users can log on again with the same name. Be sure rmpoller is running all the time.

There is a option 'Close session' in ACP / online list which closes the session immediately. Use it if You don't want to wait for the auto stale session shutdown.

Establish perfect connection between NAS and Radius server to avoid these problems.

Radius Manager CS license level has no limitation in the maximal number of users. In live systems only the capacity of NAS limits the maximal number of concurrent sessions. You can control up to 600-800 active PPPoE sessions on a 2.4 GHz NAS with Mikrotik 2.9+ OS. This number can be higher on a dual or quad core / multi CPU NAS systems. Check the CPU load on the NAS to estimate the available capacity.

Edit the appropriate regexp string in system_cfg.php and add the special characters You need:

define('regexp_username', '/^[a-z0-9._@]+$/');

Solution 1:

Use phpMyAdmin to repair the corrupted / crashed tables:

  1. Download phpMyAdmin from our site
  2. Untar it in your webroot folder (on Fedora it is /var/www/html while od Debian it is /var/www)
  3. Open phpMyAdmin using a WEB browser: http://yourhost/phpmyadmin
  4. Enter the the RADIUS MySQL database user name and password when it is asked
  5. Select the RADIUS database in phpMyAdmin
  6. Select all tables and select function Repair tables from the dropdown box
Solution 2:
Other method is to use the mysqlcheck tool. Issue the following command from your Linux shell to repair the tables:
mysqlcheck -u username -ppassword radius --auto-repair
Where username is your RADIUS user name (it is radius by default) and password is your MySQL RADIUS password.
In some cases it is necessary to restart MySQL server (if it reports too many connections) to complete the repair procedure successfully. It is also recommended to shut down the radiusd process while the database check is running.

Never shut down your system uncleanly in order to prevent such errors like this. Always shut down the Linux system with halt or reboot command. It is a good idea to always have a backup of the actual RADIUS database (daily backup).

You can accept PayPal and CC payments (PayPal Express Checkout) with your merchant account registered from any of the supported countries. Consult PayPal.com to determine if You are eligible to register a merchant account or not?

Check the size of logfile /usr/local/var/log/radius/radius.log. If it has grown too big Linux file system write operations are delayed and completely slow down the FreeRadius server. In the same time You see many unfinished RADIUS requests in radius.log.

Another problem can be a slow hard disk and when a database grows, MySQL server can't store the accounting data in db tables fast enough. Use fast hard disks. The recommended disks are: SATA, SCSI, RAID arrays.

Solution 1: Delete the logfile, restart FreeRadius and install a logrotate script.

Solution 2: Delete the past years from the radacct table and optimize the MySQL tables. Radacct cleaner SQL scripts is available in the Radius Manager distribution archive (deloldyears.sql).

PHP notices are not errors. Simply ignore them or disable them in php.ini.

RADIUS accounting packets are not sent by NAS or blocked by a firewall and Radius Manager thinks the user is offline. To fix it do the following:

  1. Enable RADIUS accounting in NAS (Mikrotik Hotspot / PPP profile)
  2. Set AAA interim update interval to 1-5 minutes
  3. Set 2000-3000 ms RADIUS timout
  4. Reconnect all users
This setup will ensure the RADIUS accounting packets will be sent by the NAS in regular intervals.
The correct NAS IP address or secret key is not defined in ACP (Radius Manager also updates clients.conf).
To determine the correct NAS ip, do the following:
  1. stop radius daemon:
    service radiusd stop
    ps ax|grep radius
    kill [pid]
  2. Invoke debug mode:
    radiusd -X
Try to authenticate users in debug mode. You will see the correct NAS IP Address in the debug output. Define it in Radius Manager ACP / New NAS form and restart RADIUS daemon.
First at all, test if the remote disconnection feature working when You try to logout a user in ACP / online list. Check the following if it is not working:
  1. Is RADIUS incoming enabled in Mikrotik (in RADIUS client, UDP port 1700)?
  2. Does rootexec have permission 4755 in /usr/local/sbin?
  3. Disable firewall filters completely for the test time
Execute the following command in Linux shell to test the remote disconnection:
echo User-Name=username,Framed-IP-Address=framedip | radclient nasip:1700 disconnect testing123
Enter the correct nasip, username and framedip parameters.
If the test went properly, check if rmpoller is running:
ps ax|grep rmpoller
You have to see the PID of rmpoller, like this:
[root@titan ~]# ps ax|grep rmpoller
1975 ? Ssl 13:35 /usr/local/bin/rmpoller
8355 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep rmpoller
To use the remote disconnection feature, rmpoller must be running *all the time*.
Set shared-users = 100 in Mikrotik Hotspot default user profile. Empty field or zero value doesn't mean unlimited shared users in Mikrotik.
You have generated postpaid invoices and never entered the date of payment in ACP / edit invoice form. Check the invoices listed in red and yellow color.
The system checks the invoices daily once and disables the users who didn't pay in the grace period

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Enter the payment date for those invoices or uncheck the auto disable function in ACP / system settings (disable users due to unpaid invoices). You can also set the grace period in system settings.
Complete the following steps to configure the wireless signal monitoring in Radius Manager:
1. Enable SNMP in AP and set the SNMP community string
2. Definethe AP in RM ACP and enter the same community string
The system scans the APs in every 5 minutes. You have to wait for the results (ACP / online users list) or You can invoke the poller manually (for testing purposes).
php /var/www/html/radiusmanager/wlanpoller.php
php /var/www/radiusmanager/wlanpoller.php
If there is no response, check your network and AP. You can alse test the SNMP access from Linux shell:
snmpwalk -c public -v 1 IP
Where IP is the IP address of your AP. If there is a valid response, the AP monitoring should work in Radius Manager.
Be sure the SNMP packages are installed on your Linux server.
yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils php-snmp
apt-get install php5-snmp
Only PPPoE and Hotspot authenicated users can be monitored. The caller ID (ACP / online users list) must be equal with the MAC address listed in the registration table in AP. The system is compatible with Mikrotik, Ubiquiti and other SNMP enabled access points.
First all all consult the Radius Manager installation manual. There is a complete description available how to set up the walled garden.
In some countries the default walled garden setup is not working. In these cases add the following URLs to your walled garden:
A complete checklist is available here.
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  1. Enable Login by MAC option in Mikrotik Hotspot server profile
  2. Leave the password field blank
  3. Register Hotspot MAC accounts in Radius Manager ACP
The password entered in ACP / new user form will be used to access the UCP only, to check the statistics (traffic report, user details etc.).
There is a bug in the latest MySQL server version available in CentOS 6.x releases. If You uncleanly shut down the system, MySQL server will not start if /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock file has not been deleted manually. The problem can be fixed easily.

1. Delete the file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock:
rm /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
2. Restart mysqld:
service mysqld restart

1. Edit /etc/init.d/mysqld file and comment out the following block:
#if [ -S '$socketfile' ] ; then
# echo 'Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket.'
# action $'Starting $prog: ' /bin/false
# return 1
2. Restart mysqld:
service mysqld restart